
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Adventures of Zoom

This story deserves a post of its own. Wednesday night the winds kicked up pretty hard and there was huge swell and surge. I woke up at 11:30 and couldn’t sleep. Very unlike me! I came upstairs to look around and lo and behold our beloved dinghy Zoom was gone. I called to Eddie, “we lost Zoom.”  It was pitch black out, high winds and tons of swell. We couldn’t see her even though Eddie had gone to bed about a half hour earlier and she was there when he went to bed. We got on the VHF radio but it being late got no answer. Nothing we could do. So the two of us tossed and turned until daybreak.  Eddie got back on the radio in the morning and Fritz from Sea Rose  picked up Eddie in his dinghy and off they went in search of Zoom. Eddie returned to Seaquel about 45 minutes later, no Zoom in sight. To say that we were upset would be an understatement. Apparently, in the surge, Zoom has unknotted herself and disappeared. Later that morning Fritz came back and took Eddie to ...

Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park

February 13, 2020 Slogger (slow blogger) checking in. While we have been having adventures, there hasn’t been that much to report. We left Rock Sound on Monday, February 3rd and had a beautiful cruise across the Exuma Sound to Little Spirit Cay. The water was flat, we could see the bottom in 30 feet! This guy accompanied us for part of the trip. Sunset Little Spirit Cay, Feb 3 Our real destination was Little Spirit Cay where we would visit with an old friend of Eddie’s. 40 years ago, after graduating college Eddie was a scuba instructor and worked with a guy named Bob French. Bob is 86, living in Fort Lauderdale with some support and not so much memory. His son, Bob, has been the caretaker of Little Spirit Cay for the past 25 years. Bob and hislong time girlfriend Mary live in a very cool home on the Cay. It is open on 2 sides with huge Bahamian shutters. The main part of the home is an atrium, open to the sky. There are a couple of bedrooms, lovely garden...

The Island that Keeps You Smilin

January 26- 30, 2020 Before we left Spanish Wells we did a long dinghy cruise. First we crossed the sound to see the swimming pigs. I’m not really sure how I feel about the swimming pigs. I did not swim with them and neither did I pet them! There were people there snuggling with the pigs! Pigs and ducks and chickens and roosters and Dum Dum the turkey!  After that we went back to our dinghy and cruised on the other side of the island, under the Russell Island bridge in search of conch salad. We had met Douglas the night before and he told us he had a conch salad stand! My guy is on the conch salad tour of the Bahamas so that was our next adventure! We found Douglass And conch salad at the Bridge Serenity Deli and for me even better is that it was low tide and we could walk out on the tidal flats. It was gorgeous, maybe a half a dozen people and so serene. I felt like we were walking on the bottom of the sea. My mermaid self was happy! It was the perf...